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Yr1 Local Field Study Trip

This event will take place between 1:30pm and 2:30pm on 02/05/2024

As part of our Geography work this term we intend to carry out some field study work in our local area. This will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 2nd May, (weather permitting). This field study work will involve Year 1 walking up to the Formosa Street parade of shops, then on to the Tube station and then back to School via Bristol Gardens. We expect the field study to last approximately 1-hour. Mrs. Deutrom and myself would very much like some parental assistance with this trip/work, as we will be walking alongside roads and recording observations en-route. If you are able to volunteer your time with us, (starting at 1:30), please can you let Miss. Whitehead or myself know as soon as possible. Thank you. We look forward to a fun and successful learning experience. Kind regards, Mark Harding