Appeals Information
Parents/Carers have the legal right to appeal against a decision not to offer their child a place at St. Saviour’s School. In this section, you will find information about how to make an Appeal as well as the timetable for the process itself.
An email informing parents of the outcomes of applications to Reception class will be sent by Westminster on Tuesday 16th April 2024. On the same date, an email will be sent to parents and carers who have not been offered a place.
Parents and carers who wish to make an appeal should click on the link on the Westminster Admissions site: Schools admission appeals | Westminster City Council
If you wish to appeal, you should do so no later than 20 school days after you receive your email (17th May 2024).
Appeals will be heard in June and July 2024.
Prior to the Appeals hearings, Parents/Carers will receive their appointment date and time, the venue and any relevant documentation. You will receive at least 10 school days' notice of the date of your Appeals hearing.
Decision letters will be sent within 5 school days of the Appeals hearing wherever possible.
If you wish to appeal against a decision not to offer your child a place in Year 1 - Year 6, please follow the procedure above.