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Year Four

Welcome To Year Four

Mr Goulding, Miss Eastman and Miss Karmi

In Year Four, we aim to create a safe, stimulating and positive learning environment to encourage the children to become confident, flexible learners who can work individually or in collaboration with others.

In English we study a range of magnificent texts throughout the year, including The Iron Man, Tar Beach, FaRther, Cinnamon and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  We plan, write and edit across a range of genres to develop our accuracy and consistency in spelling, punctuation and grammar. The pupils enjoy reading and learn to appreciate a range of stories and poetry.

In Maths we cover all areas of the National Curriculum and develop our accuracy in calculation, problem-solving and reasoning.

We complete a Geography unit on Rivers in which the children learn about Water Cycle, how humans use rivers and issues such as pollution and flooding. Further topics include Rainforests and in the Summer Term we explore South America and the Amazon.

Year 4 History is full of exciting topics as we learn all about Anglo Saxons, Vikings and the Ancient Egyptians. We develop our historical skills by looking at a range of historical sources and enquiry questions. Through our enquiry we try to understand how daily life might have been in the past.

Science is taught through observation, hands-on investigations and experiments. Children build circuits, measure changes, conduct experiments and record their findings scientifically. Topics in which children develop their scientific knowledge include: animals and their habitats, electricity, the digestive system, states of matter and sound.