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Year Three

Welcome to Year Three

Mr Oyediran, Mrs Berisaj and Ms Mariano 

In Year Three we study some fantastic topics! We begin the year looking at the Stone Age and how archaeologists have used artefacts to learn about their lifestyle. We end the topic by creating our own museum with lots of exciting facts and exhibits!

In the Spring term, we investigate the different kind of weather around the world and the environment. Finally, in the Summer Term we learn about the incredible Roman civilisation and the Roman Empire.

Our science topics include: Light and Shadows, Material Properties, Healthy Eating and Helping Plants Grow Well. During these topics, the children carry out a range of experiments with an emphasis on developing the children’s investigation skills.

To enhance these topics we go on many school trips. In November, we go to the Forest School in Paddington Recreation Ground to learn about life during the Stone Age.  We go to the Forest School throughout the year to learn about how nature changes throughout the seasons and how habitats and animal adapt to the environment.

In the spring term Year Three make a trip to the Science Museum to learn about the weather in an exciting and practical way.