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Year Two

Welcome to Year Two

Miss Fleck and Mrs Deutrom


Throughout the year we cover many exciting topics such as The Great Fire of London, Zambia, Famous People and the Seaside. In the Autumn term, the children learn about what life is like in Zambia, and make comparisons between what life is like there and in the UK.  They also investigate what makes people famous through learning about the lives of Sir Christopher Wren, Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, and Isambard Kingdom Brunel. During the Spring term, children learn about the Seaside. The children really love the topic and enjoy comparing historical seaside holidays and seaside holidays today. The children also learn about the Great Fire of London. We explore this topic through writing, art, music and DT where children have the opportunity to create their own fire trucks! 

In RE we investigate and delve deeper into many themes through the use of ‘Big Questions’. Some of the questions we investigate throughout the year are: Why are they having a Jewish party? Where is light in Christmas? What are the five pillars of Islam? What are God's rules for living? Why did Jesus teach the Lord's prayer? Why do Christians make and keep promises? We aim to encourage the children to become critical and evaluative thinkers with a passion for discovery. The RE curriculum is delivered through a range of means including: drama, art, music and Godly play.

We aim to encourage children to become keen scientists through the use of investigation. Our topics have a heavy focus on enquiry skills and we encourage the children to take ownership over their learning by finding out answers to their own questions. The areas we study are: Living Things, Changing Materials, Habitats, Animals and Plants.

During Year Two the children also have the opportunity, alongside Year One and EYFS, to participate in the EYFS and Key Stage One Nativity. It is always a highlight of the year and they put on an amazing show!