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St. Saviour’s is a school which works very strongly together within its community and the local community around it. Everyone in our school community is valued for their individuality. The children are the most important part of our school community. Every day, the children walk into school ready and prepared for their learning. The children are excellent ambassadors for our school and are always given high praise by any visitors who come into school. The children understand they are here to learn but also have to work together with everyone else within the community.

Within the school community, the staff have an excellent relationship working together with the governors, children and parents. The Governors page provides further information about how they hold the school to account and the children often see Governors visiting their classrooms for special events or learning walks linked to specific subjects.

Our parents work together to further enhance our sense of community through their efforts with the PTA. The parents are also encouraged to be active members of the school community though attending and contributing towards numerous PTA events, subject specific events and workshops, meet the teacher afternoons and other parent specific social events. Alongside this, we as a school complete annual questionnaires with parents to check in and see how we are doing. In addition, during Ofsted or RE SIAMs Inspections, parents are instrumental in voicing their opinions of our wonderful school. Parents have the opportunity to meet class teachers at least twice a year and also receive detailed annual reports in the Summer term about their child’s attainment and progress.

Within the local community we are very closely linked to our local churches within the Parish; St. Saviour’s and St. Mary’s Paddington Green. Our families regularly attend church and many children take their First Communion or Confirmation at these churches during their schooling at St. Saviour’s. As a school, we celebrate Mass every week at school or at St. Saviour’s Church which is very special for everyone. Parents of all faiths are welcome to share with the community their own faith customs and traditions. We also recognise the need to ensure that all of our school community need support in their spirituality both adults and children. All families are supported through times of happiness, grief or illness and we think of these individuals within our prayers.

We support the local community with fundraising projects such as The Passage and The Food Bank. The children promote these charities within their classrooms and donate items for these charities. In addition we work together with the Paddington Partnership who provide us with volunteers from local businesses to support projects in school. So far, we’ve welcomed volunteers to help re-plant our school garden, prepare Christmas Bazaar decorations and also learn how to be safer online. Whenever the children attend educational visits out of school, we often receive messages from members of the public commenting on the excellent behaviour of our children whilst out and about in London. Our School choir is pivotal to spreading the good image of our school as they sing for many different audiences in the area throughout the year. Wherever they go in their uniform, the children are expected to behave beautifully and they do!