Welcome to Reception
Mrs Davis, Mrs Dawkins, Ms Ganeva-Robles and Miss Rogers
We learn through creative play and exploration with emphasis on independent learning and choice. The activities are fun and interactive and always link to the children’s current interests. Our curriculum covers 7 areas of learning and development: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design.
The learning environment is always set up with a variety of exciting activities that the children can freely access. We record the children’s progress through observations that are recorded on each child’s Tapestry profile. The children enjoy sharing things they particularly enjoy that they would like included in their Tapestry profile.
During the Autumn term our topics are Ourselves and Festivals. The Spring and Summer term topics rotate and are adapted based on the children’s interests, some topics we may cover are Space, Journeys, Traditional Tales, Water and Growing. Our trips include the Forest School, a trip to the Pirate Park with our buddies and more!
Each child in Reception has a Year 6 buddy who provides them with fantastic support. The children become great friends with their buddies and really look up to them. These relationships help to develop their confidence, self-esteem and social skills.
Phase 2:
Phase 3: