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School Meals

Our school caterers are Stir Food.

In addition to this Menu we are able to cater for children with additional dietary requirements. If your child has any dietary requirements, please speak with the School Office who will give you a form to complete which we will share with the Catering team.

Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for free lunches through the Government's Universal Free School Meals initiative, and some pupils in Nursery are also eligible for Free School Meals. Please see the Free School Meals page for more information.

Pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 are also eligible for a free school lunch through an initiative funded by Westminster City Council. See Free school lunch offer for primary school pupils | Westminster City Council for more information. 

Free School Meals

Providing children with nutritious meals during the school day is vital for their health and wellbeing, and the council's new online system makes applying for Free School Meals quicker and easier than ever.

If you receive benefits, please apply for Free School Meals through the council’s system. Our school will receive more funding – over £1,000 per pupil – which will be used for provision such as after school activities, holiday clubs and extra help with reading.

Find out more and apply now at: Free school meals | Westminster City Council

For questions about registering for a My Westminster account, please call 0207 641 3412 or email