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Year Six

Welcome to Year Six

Miss Hrsto, Miss Daniels and Mrs Pearman

This is the final year of primary school. It is the year in which the children take their end of Key Stage 2 tests (in May) and the year in which we prepare the children for their transition to secondary school.

Like all years in school, it is a full and busy one. Mathematics and English are learned on a daily basis and other subjects, such as Science, History and P.E. are timetabled during the week. The curriculum is hugely varied and children explore and engage in a wide variety of different topics, ranging from the Maya Civilisation in History, to understanding biomes and vegetation belts in Geography, to evolution and inheritance in Science. 

As part of our learning, we also take part in many additional curriculum activities, such as educational visits. There is a week's residential trip where the children participate in a variety of outdoor activities to help enable them to become more confident, mature and independent. Much fun is had by all and this is one of the greatest memories that the children take with them when they leave primary school. 

To help promote greater responsibility they have ‘Buddies’ in the Reception Class to look after and take responsibility for at certain times of the week, including meeting and greeting them in the mornings and spending valuable time with them in the playground before school begins.

The Year Six children are ambassadors for the school in many ways, setting the example and being role models for all to see. It is a very rewarding and fulfilling time for the children at St. Saviour’s and the children leave the school well-prepared and ready to take on the new and exciting challenges that await them.